
Link or embed imported text files

By default, text you place in InDesign is not linked to the original text file. However, if you select the Create Links When Placing Text And Spreadsheet Files preferences option before you place a file, the name of the text file appears in the Links panel. You can use the Links panel to update and manage the file. When you update a linked text file, any editing or formatting changes applied within InDesign are lost. Because of this risk, linked text files are not automatically updated when the original file is edited. However, you can easily update the linked file using the Links panel.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To apply this change to a document, open the document.

    • To apply this change to new documents you create, close all documents.

  2. Choose Edit > Preferences > Type (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Type (Mac OS).
  3. To create links in placed files, select Create Links When Placing Text And Spreadsheet Files. If this option is turned on, use the Links panel to update, relink, or remove links. If this option is turned off, text files are embedded (not linked).