

Select text

  Using the Type tool, do one of the following:
  • Drag the I‑bar cursor over a character, word, or an entire text block to select it.

  • Double-click a word to select it. Spaces next to the word are not selected.

  • Triple-click anywhere in a line to select a line. If the Triple Click To Select A Line preferences option is deselected, triple-clicking selects the entire paragraph.

  • If the Triple Click To Select A Line option is selected, quadruple-click anywhere in a paragraph to select the entire paragraph or quintuple-click to select the entire story.

  • Quintuple-click to select the entire story, or click anywhere in a story and choose Edit > Select All.

If you cannot select text in a frame, the text frame could be on a different layer or on a master page. Try selecting a different layer or going to the master page.

Change what triple-clicking does

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Type (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Type (Mac OS).
  2. Select Triple Click To Select A Line to enable triple-clicking to select a line (this is the default). Deselect this option if you want triple-clicking to select a paragraph.

Select text in a frame that is covered

  1. Using the Selection tool , hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) and click to select the text frame.
  2. Select the Type tool, and then click inside the text frame or select text.