the insertion point in the table, choose Table > Table
Options > Table Setup.
Under Table Border, specify the desired weight, type,
color, tint, and gap settings. (See Table stroke and fill options.)
Under Stroke Drawing Order, select the drawing order
from the following options:
Best Joins
If selected, row strokes will appear to the front at
the points where strokes of different colors cross. In addition,
when strokes such as double lines cross, the strokes are joined
and the crossing points are connected.
Row Strokes in Front
If selected, row strokes appear in front.
Column Strokes In Front
If selected, column strokes appear in front.
InDesign 2.0 Compatibility
If selected, row strokes appear in front. In addition, when
strokes such as double lines cross, they are joined and the crossing
points are connected only at points where strokes cross in a T‑shape.
If you do not want stroke formatting of individual cells
to be overridden, select Preserve Local Formatting.
Click OK.
If you remove the stroke and fill from
a table, choose View > Show Frame Edges to display the
cell boundaries of a table.