The Print Booklet feature lets you create printer spreads for professional printing. For example, if you’re editing an 8-page booklet, the pages appear in sequential order in the layout window. However, in printer spreads, page 2 is positioned next to page 7, so that when the two pages are printed on the same sheet, folded, and collated, the pages end up in the appropriate order.
The process of creating printer spreads from layout spreads is called imposition. While imposing pages, you can change settings to adjust spacing between pages, margins, bleed, and creep. The layout of your InDesign document is not affected, because the imposition is all handled in the print stream. No pages are shuffled or rotated in the document.
You can choose three types of imposition: 2-up Saddle Stitch, 2-up Perfect Bound, and Consecutive.
If a booklet has a color cover and black-and-white insides, you can create two separate impositions from the same document: one for the front cover, inside front cover, inside back cover, and back cover; and one for the 24 pages inside the booklet. To produce the color signature, click Range in the Pages area of the Setup area, and type 1‑2, 27-28 (or whatever the section page numbers are). To produce the black-and-white insides, type 3‑26 in the Range text box.
For example, if you want to create printer spreads for a traditional six-panel, trifold brochure, choose 3-up Consecutive. You may be accustomed to setting up trifolds as one page with three different columns. With InDesign imposition, you can simply create pages that are the size of each panel.
You can change the following options in the Setup area of the Print Booklet dialog box.
For Perfect Bound documents, if you are creeping in (with a negative value), the minimum Space Between Pages value is the width of the Creep value. If you’re manually creating signatures (for example, if there are different stocks in the same document), you can enter a Space Between Pages value to specify a starting creep for spreads that belong to different signatures.