
Create a device-independent PostScript file

Select PostScript File in the Printer menu, and select Device Independent in the PPD menu. A device-independent PostScript file has the following characteristics:

  • It is 100% DSC-compliant, making it ideal for such post-processing tasks as trapping and imposition.

  • All device and driver dependencies are removed, so that the file will print to almost any output device. However, special printer features found in PPD files, such as image exposure, available media sizes, and optimized screen frequencies, aren’t available in device-independent output.

  • The color output is always composite CMYK, but it also includes spot colors. As a result, it has to be separated in post-processing software, or at the RIP using in-RIP separations.

  • It cannot be trapped by InDesign; trapping must occur at the RIP, or in post-processing software.

  • It can only be printed to file (not directly to a device or application) from InDesign.

    A device-independent PostScript file is ideal for composite prepress workflows, where the file will be trapped and separated later in the production process, such as during imposition, trapping, or at the RIP (if the output device supports in-RIP separations).

  1. Choose File > Print.
  2. In the Print dialog box, for Printer, choose PostScript File.
  3. For PPD, choose Device Independent.
  4. View or change existing print settings. InDesign uses the current page range when creating the PostScript file.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Specify a name and location, and click Save.