In the Output area of the Print dialog box, you can determine how composite color in the document is sent to the printer. When color management is enabled (the default), the Color setting defaults result in calibrated color output. Spot color information is preserved during color conversion; only the process color equivalents convert to the designated color space. If you’re not sure which color choice to use, consult your prepress service provider.
Composite modes only affect rasterized images and objects created using InDesign; placed graphics (such as EPS and Adobe PDF files) are not affected unless they overlap transparent objects.
For more information on composite printing, see the Adobe Print Resource Center at
When you print as composite, automatic trapping is disabled; however, you can select the Simulate Overprint option to proof overprinting for text, strokes, or fills.
The Output area in the Print dialog box includes the following Color options. Additional options may also be available, depending on your printer.