
Scale documents

To fit an oversized document on a smaller piece of paper, you can scale the document’s width and height, either symmetrically or asymmetrically. Asymmetric scaling is useful when, for example, you’re printing film for use on a flexographic press: If you know in which direction the plate will be mounted on the press drum, scaling can compensate for the 2% to 3% stretching of the plate that usually occurs. Scaling does not affect the size of the pages in the document.

Note: When you print spreads, each spread is scaled separately.

Scale a document manually

  1. Choose File > Print.
  2. In the Setup area of the Print dialog box, select Width to activate the Width and Height boxes.
  3. To maintain current document width to height proportions, select Constrain Proportions. Otherwise, make sure that this option is unselected.
  4. Type percentages from 1 to 1000 in the Width and Height boxes. If you selected Constrain Proportions, you need to enter only one value; the other is updated automatically.

Scale a document automatically

  1. In the Setup area of the Print dialog box, make sure that the Tile and Thumbnail options are unselected. (When these options are selected, the Scale To Fit option is unavailable.)
  2. Select Scale To Fit. The scaling percentage, which is determined by the imageable area defined by the selected PPD, appears next to the Scale To Fit option.