drivers may support features that are not included in InDesign,
such as duplex printing. Support for these features varies depending
on the printer driver you have. Check with your printer manufacturer
for details.
If you want to specify settings for a specific printer, InDesign
provides access to the printer driver through the following buttons
in the InDesign Print dialog box. (When you choose to print to a
PostScript file, these options are not available.)
- Setup
(Windows) This button opens the Windows Print dialog box.
- Page Setup
(Mac OS) This button displays the standard Mac OS
Page Setup dialog box.
- Printer
(Mac OS) This button displays the standard Mac OS
Print dialog box.
Note: Some InDesign printing
features appear in both the printer driver dialog boxes and the
InDesign Print dialog box. For best results, specify the settings
in the InDesign Print dialog box only. If settings overlap, InDesign
tries to synchronize the settings, or to ignore the driver’s settings.
Some printer driver features (for example, N‑up printing, which
prints the same artwork multiple times on the same page) produce adverse
printing results when used with InDesign features such as separations.