
PageMaker Type menu commands

PageMaker command

InDesign equivalent

Additional information

Type > Font

Type > Font


Type > Size

Type > Size


Type > Leading

Type > Character or Control panel in Character mode (Window > Control)

InDesign uses baseline leading by default, as opposed to proportional leading, which is PageMaker’s default.

Type > Type Style

Type > Character or Control panel in Character mode (Window > Control)

InDesign displays the type styles available for the selected font. You can also use Quick Apply.

Type > Expert Kerning

Type > Character or Control panel in Character mode (Window > Control)

Expert kerning in PageMaker is similar to optical kerning in InDesign.

Type > Horizontal Scale

Control panel in Character mode (Window > Control)


Type > Character

Type > Character


Type > Paragraph

Type > Paragraph


Type > Indents/Tabs

Type > Tabs


Type > Hyphenation

Type > Paragraph

Choose Hyphenation from the Paragraph panel menu.

Type > Alignment

Type > Paragraph or Control panel in Paragraph mode (Window > Control)


Type > Style

Type > Paragraph Styles or Type > Character Styles

InDesign supports both paragraph and character styles.

Type > Define Styles

Type > Paragraph Styles or Type > Character Styles

Choose New Paragraph Style in the Paragraph Styles panel to create a paragraph style. Choose New Character Style in the Character Styles panel to create a character style.