To precisely align objects to guides, use the Snap to Guides and Snap to Document Grid commands. Object edges will snap to (be pulled toward) the nearest grid intersection or guide when you draw, move, or resize the objects.
The exact range within which an object snaps to guides is called the snap-to zone, which you can adjust. When you select both the Snap to Guides and the Snap to Document Grid commands, the grid takes precedence.
Keep the following guidelines in mind as you align objects to guides and grids:
To snap an object to a guide, drag an object toward a guide until one or more of the object’s edges is within the guide’s snap-to zone.
Guides must be visible for objects to snap to them. However, objects can snap to the document and baseline grids whether the grids are visible or not.
Objects on one layer snap to ruler guides visible on any other layer. If you don’t want objects to snap to guides on a certain layer, hide that layer’s guides.
For the baselines
of text to snap to the baseline grid, press the Align to Baseline Grid
button for
individual paragraphs or paragraph styles.