Specify a baseline grid color by choosing a color in
the Color menu. You can also choose Custom in the Color menu.
For Start, type a value to offset the grid from either
the top of the page or the top margin of the page, depending on
the option you choose from the Relative To menu. If you have trouble
aligning the vertical ruler to this grid, try starting with a value
of zero.
For Increment Every, type a value for the spacing between
grid lines. In most cases, type a value that equals your body text
leading, so that lines of text align perfectly to this grid.
Baseline grid in document window
First grid line
between grid lines
For View Threshold, type a value to specify the magnification
below which the grid does not appear, and click OK.
Increase the view threshold to prevent crowded grid lines at lower
Baseline grid at magnification below view threshold (left)
and above view threshold (right)
Click OK.
Note: The
Snap to Guides command controls both snapping to guides and snapping
to the baseline grid.