

Enter user identification

All users in the workflow must have a user name. This identification reveals who has checked out a particular file and makes this information available to other users. It’s also required in order to check out a file for editing.

If you’ve already specified a user name and want to change it, you must check in any content you have checked out. Otherwise, changing user identification during an editing session would forfeit your ability to edit content that you have checked out—it would be checked out to you under a different name.

User identification is application-specific; no single user can have multiple user identifications per application.

Note: The InCopy Notes and Track Changes features also use the specified name to identify the author of a note or a tracked change.
  1. Do either of the following:
    • Choose File > User.

    • Choose User from the Assignments panel menu (Window > Assignments).

  2. Type a unique name and click OK.

If you forget to specify a user name using this method, you’re prompted to enter one when you attempt your first workflow action.

Note: The Color pop‑up menu in this dialog box is for identifying editorial notes and tracked changes. You can choose the color now if you want, but it doesn’t affect anything you do in a managed workflow.