
Specify timeline duration and frame rate (Photoshop Extended)

When you are working in timeline mode, you can specify the duration and frame rate of a document containing video or animation. Duration is the overall time length of the video clip in the document. Frame rate or frames per second (fps), is usually determined by the type of output you produce: NTSC video has a frame rate of 29.97 fps; PAL video has a frame rate of 25 fps; and motion picture film has a frame rate of 24 fps. Depending on the broadcast system, DVD video can have the same frame rate as NTSC video or PAL video, or a frame rate of 23.976. Video intended for CD‑ROM or the web typically has a frame rate of 10 to 15 fps.

When you create a new document, the default timeline duration is 10 seconds and the frame rate is 30 fps.

  1. From the Animation palette menu, choose Document Settings.
  2. Enter or choose values for Duration and Frame Rate.
Note: Reducing the duration of an existing video or animation has the effect of trimming frames (and any keyframes) from the end of the document.