
Productivity enhancements

Streamlined interface

Take advantage of the self-adjusting docks, workspace presets for specialized tasks, and other refinements in the streamlined interface. See Workspace basics.

Zoomify report

Export full-resolution images in the Zoomify format so you can display them on the Internet or send them by e‑mail without having to first decrease their resolution. See Export to Zoomify.

Adobe Bridge CS3 with stacks and filters

Organize and manage your images with the new tools—the Loupe tool, filters, and stacks—in Adobe Bridge.

Improved print experience

Get better control over print quality with color management and better print preview features. See Printing from Photoshop.

Adobe Device Central

Create and view artwork for display on cell phones and other mobile devices, and preview how your photos will look on different devices. See Testing Photoshop images for mobile devices with Adobe Device Central.

Next generation Camera Raw

Process raw data—at high quality—from more than 150 digital cameras. You can also apply Camera Raw processing to JPEG and TIFF files. See Camera Raw.