To process images in Camera
Raw, select one or more camera raw files in Bridge, and then choose
File > Open In Camera Raw or press Ctrl+R (Windows) or
Command+R (Mac OS). When you finish making adjustments
in the Camera Raw dialog box, click Done to accept changes and close
the dialog box. You can also click Open to open a copy of the adjusted
image in Photoshop.
To import camera raw images in Photoshop, select one
or more camera raw files in Bridge, and then choose File >
Open With > Photoshop CS3. (You can also choose File >
Open in Photoshop, and browse to select camera raw files.) When
you finish making adjustments in the Camera Raw dialog box, click
Open to accept changes.
Shift-double-click a thumbnail in Bridge
to open a camera raw image in Photoshop without opening the Camera
Raw dialog box. Hold down Shift while choosing File >
Open to open multiple selected images.
To import camera raw images in After Effects, select
one or more camera raw files in Bridge, and then choose File >
Place In After Effects. (You can also choose a File >
Import command in After Effects and browse to select camera raw
files.) When you finish making adjustments in the Camera Raw dialog
box, click OK to accept changes.