

Process, compare, and rate multiple images in Camera Raw

The most convenient way to work with multiple camera raw images is to use the Filmstrip view in Camera Raw, which opens by default when you open multiple images in Camera Raw from Bridge.

Images can have three states in Filmstrip view: deselected, selected (but not active), and active (also selected). In general, adjustments are applied to all selected images.

You can also synchronize settings to apply settings from the active image to all selected images. You can quickly apply a set of adjustments to an entire set of images—such as all shots taken under the same conditions—and then do fine-tuning on the individual shots later, after you’ve determined which you’ll use for your final output.

  • To select an image, click its thumbnail. To select a range of images, Shift-click two thumbnails. To add an image to a selection, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) its thumbnail.
  • To change which image is active without changing which images are selected, click a navigation arrow  at the bottom of the preview pane.
  • To apply settings from the active image to all selected images, click the Synchronize button at the top of the Filmstrip pane and choose which settings to synchronize.
  • To apply a star rating, click a rating under the image thumbnail.
  • To mark selected images for deletion, click Mark For Deletion .

    A red cross appears in the thumbnail of an image marked for deletion. The file is sent to the Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash (Mac OS) when you close the Camera Raw dialog box. (If you decide to keep an image that you marked for deletion, select it in the Thumbnail pane and click Mark For Deletion again, before you close the Camera Raw dialog box.)