In Photoshop, the Animation palette (Window > Animation) appears in frame mode, showing a thumbnail of each frame in your animation. Use the tools at the bottom of the palette to navigate through the frames, set looping options, add and delete frames, and preview the animation.
The Animation palette menu contains additional commands for editing frames or timeline durations, and for configuring the palette display. Click the palette menu icon to view available commands.
In Photoshop Extended, you can use the Animation palette in either frame mode or timeline mode. Timeline mode shows the frame duration and animation properties for document layers. Use the tools at the bottom of the palette to navigate through frames, zoom the time display in or out, toggle onion skin mode, delete keyframes, and preview the video. You can use controls on the timeline itself to adjust frame duration for a layer, set keyframes for layer properties, and designate a section of the video as the working area.
In timeline mode, the Animation palette displays each layer in a Photoshop Extended document (except the background layer) and is synchronized with the Layers palette. Whenever a layer is added, deleted, renamed, grouped, duplicated, or assigned a color, the changes are updated in both palettes.
For a video on the timeline mode, see
In frame mode, the Animation palette includes the following controls:
In timeline mode, the Animation palette includes the following features and controls:
In the Animation palette, you can change the size of the thumbnails that represent each frame or layer.
Select a size option.
(Photoshop Extended) In timeline mode, select None to display only layer names.
In Photoshop Extended, you can display the Animation palette timeline in either frame number or timecode units.
In Photoshop Extended, as you add layers to a document, they appear as tracks in the timeline. Expand layer tracks to show layer properties that can be animated.
For a video on the timeline mode, see
In Photoshop Extended, all document layers appear in the timeline by default. To show only a subset of layers, first set them as favorites.
Drag the current-time indicator .
Click a number or location in the time ruler where you want to position the current-time indicator.
Drag the current-time display (in the upper-left corner of the timeline).
Double-click the current-time display and enter a frame number or time in the Set Current Time dialog box.
Use the playback controls in the Animation palette.
Choose Go To in the Animation palette menu, and then choose a timeline option.