
Reorder, duplicate, or delete Smart Filters

You can reorder Smart Filters in the Layers palette, duplicate them, or delete Smart Filters if you no longer want to apply them to a Smart Object.

Reorder Smart Filters

 In the Layers palette, drag a Smart Filter up or down in the list. You can’t reorder Smart Filters applied from the Filter Gallery.

Photoshop applies Smart Filters from the bottom up.

Duplicate Smart Filters

 In the Layers palette, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the Smart Filter from one Smart Object to another, or to a new location in the Smart Filters list.
Note: To duplicate all Smart Filters, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the Smart Filters icon that appears next to the Smart Object layer.

Delete Smart Filters

  • To delete an individual Smart Filter, drag it to the Delete icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.
  • To delete all Smart Filters applied to a Smart Object layer, select the Smart Object layer and choose Layer > Smart Filter > Clear Smart Filters.