

Resize artwork while optimizing

In the Save For Web & Devices dialog box, you can resize an image to specified pixel dimensions or to a percentage of the original size.

  1. Click the Image Size tab in the Save For Web & Devices dialog box.
  2. Set any of the additional options:
    Constrain Proportions
    Maintains the current proportions of pixel width to pixel height.

    (Photoshop only) Specifies the interpolation method. Bicubic Sharper generally produces better results when you are reducing image size.

    (Illustrator only) Removes jagged edges in the artwork by applying anti-aliasing.

    Clip To Artboard
    (Illustrator only) Clips the artwork size to match the document’s Artboard boundary. Any artwork outside the Artboard boundary will be deleted.
    Note: None of the features in the Image Size palette are available for the SWF and SVG file formats except Clip To Artboard.

  3. Enter new pixel dimensions or specify a percentage by which to resize the image, and click Apply.