
Copy and paste a slice

You can copy and paste a selected slice within an image, into another image, or into another application such as Dreamweaver. Copying a slice copies all layers within the bounds of the slice (not just the active layer).

  1. Select one or more slices with the Slice Select tool.
  2. Choose Edit > Copy.
    Note: A slice can’t be copied if there is an active selection in the document (a marquee pixel selection or a selected path).
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to paste the slice into another image, open and display that image.

    • If pasting into Dreamweaver, make your Dreamweaver document the active window.

  4. Choose Edit > Paste. A new layer is created when a slice is pasted into a Photoshop image.
    Note: A slice copied into Dreamweaver retains information about the filename and path of the original Photoshop source file. To view this information in Dreamweaver, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl+click (Mac OS) the image and choose Design Notes, then locate the FilePathSrc field on the All Info tab.

    For a video on designing web sites with Photoshop and Dreamweaver, see