
Auto blend layers

When stitching or combining images to create a composite image, exposure differences between the source images may create seams or inconsistencies in the combined image. Use the Auto-Blend Layers command to create the appearance of smooth transitions in the final images.
Note: Auto-Blend Layers is only available for RGB or grayscale images.
  1. Copy or place the images you want to combine into the same document.

    Each image will be in a separate layer. See Duplicate layers.

  2. Align the layers so that common areas overlap.

    You can do this manually or using the Auto-Align Layers command. See Automatically align image layers.

  3. With the layers still selected, choose Edit > Auto-Blend Layers.

Auto-Blend Layers applies layer masks as needed to each layer to mask out over‑ or underexposed areas or content differences and create a seamless composite.