
Manually count items in an image (Photoshop Extended)

For a video on counting, see

  1. To set the color for the count item, do one of the following:
    • Use the Color Picker in the Count Tool options bar.

    • Choose Edit > Preferences > Guides, Grids, Slices & Count, then set the color in the Count panel of the Preferences dialog box.

  2. Click an object in the image to add a count number.
    • Drag an existing number to move it.

    • Shift-click to constrain the drag horizontally or vertically.

    • Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) to remove a number. The total count is updated.

    • Click Clear in the options bar to reset the count to 0.
      Note: Counts already recorded in the Measurement Log are not changed by clearing count numbers from the image.
  3. (Optional) To display or hide the count numbers:
    • Choose View > Show > Count.

      Note: Count numbers are not saved with the document.
    • Choose View > Extras, View > Show > All, or View > Show > None.

  4. (Optional) Choose Analysis > Record Measurements or click Record Measurements in the Measurement Log palette to record the count number to the Measurement Log.
    Note: To record a count to the Measurement Log, you must have Count selected as a measurement data point. Choose Analysis > Select Data Points > Custom and select the Count data point in the Count Tool area.