
Paint frames in video layers (Photoshop Extended)

You can edit or paint on individual video frames to create an animation, add content, or to remove unwanted details. In addition to using any brush tool, you can paint using the Clone Stamp, Pattern Stamp, Healing Brush, or Spot Healing Brush. You can also edit video frames using the Patch tool.

Note: Painting (or using any other tool) on video frames is often called rotoscoping; although traditionally, rotoscoping involves the frame‑by‑frame tracing of live action images for use in animation.
  1. In the Animation or Layers palette, select the video layer.
  2. Move the current time indicator to the video frame you want to edit.
  3. (Optional) If you want your edits to be on a separate layer, choose Layers > Video Layers > New Blank Video Layer.
  4. Select the brush tool that you want to use and apply your edits to the frame.

    Painting on a video layer is nondestructive. To discard the altered pixels on a specific frame or video layer, choose the Restore Frame or Restore All Frames command. To toggle on and off the visibility of altered video layers, choose the Hide Altered Video command (or click the eyeball next to the altered video track in the timeline).

    For a video on cloning, see

    For a video on working with video layers, see