
Fill selections with another area of an image

  1. Make a selection in a perspective plane.
  2. (Optional) Move the selection where you want it. Make sure the Move Mode is set to Destination, when you move the selection.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) the pointer from inside the selection to the image area that you want to fill the selection.

    • Choose Source from the Move Mode menu and drag the pointer from inside the selection to the image area that you want to fill the selection.

    The filled selection becomes a floating selection that you can scale, rotate, move, or clone using the Transform tool, or move or clone using the Marquee tool.

    Ctrl-dragging (Windows) or Command-dragging (Mac OS) a selection

    Original selection

    Moving the selection to the source image

    The source image fills the original selection