

Optimize an image for the web

  1. Choose File > Save For Web & Devices.
  2. Click a tab at the top of the dialog box to select a display option: Optimized, 2‑Up, or 4‑Up. If you select 4‑Up, click the preview you want to optimize.
  3. (Optional) If your image contains multiple slices, select one or more slices you want to optimize.
  4. Select a preset optimization setting from the Preset menu, or set individual optimization options. The available options change depending on the file format you select.
    If you’re working in 4‑Up mode, choose Repopulate Views from the Optimize menu to automatically generate lower-quality versions of the image after you change the optimization settings.
  5. Fine-tune the optimization settings until you are satisfied with the balance of image quality and file size. If your image contains multiple slices, be sure to optimize all the slices.
    To restore an optimized preview to the original version, select it and then choose Original from the Preset menu.
  6. If optimizing an image with an embedded color profile other than sRGB, you should convert the image’s colors to sRGB before you save the image for use on the web. On the Optimize menu, make sure that Convert to sRGB is selected.
  7. Click Save.
  8. In the Save Optimized As dialog box, do the following, and then click Save:
    • Enter a file name, and select a location for the resulting file or files.

    • Select a Format option to specify what kind of files you want to save: HTML file and image files, only image files, or only an HTML file.

    • (Optional) Set output settings for HTML and image files.

    • If your image contains multiple slices, select an option for saving slices from the Slices menu: All Slices or Selected Slices.

    To reset optimization settings to the last saved version, press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and click Reset. To keep the same settings the next time you open the Save For Web & Devices dialog box, press Alt/Option and click Remember.

    For a video on saving files for the web in Illustrator, see