
Set scripts and actions to run automatically

You can have an event, such as opening, saving, or exporting a file in Photoshop, trigger a JavaScript or a Photoshop action. Photoshop provides several default events, or you can have any scriptable Photoshop event trigger the script or action. See the Photoshop Scripting Guide for more information on scriptable events.

  1. Choose File > Scripts > Script Events Manager.
  2. Select Enable Events To Run Scripts/Actions.
  3. From the Photoshop Event menu, choose the event that will trigger the script or action.
  4. Select either Script or Action, and then choose the script or action to run when the event occurs.

    Photoshop has several sample scripts you can choose. To run a different script, choose Browse and then navigate to the script. For actions, choose the action set from the first pop‑up menu and an action from that set in the second menu. The action must be loaded in the Actions palette to appear in these menus.

  5. Click Add. The event and its associated script or action are listed in the dialog box.
  6. To disable and remove individual events, select the event in the list and click Remove. To disable all events, but keep them in the list, deselect Enable Events To Run Scripts/Actions.