
Create a new work path

  1. Select a shape tool or a pen tool, and click the Paths button  in the options bar.
  2. Set tool-specific options, and draw the path. For more information, see Shape tool options and About the Pen tools.
  3. Draw additional path components if desired. You can easily switch between drawing tools by clicking a tool button in the options bar. Choose a path area option to determine how overlapping path components intersect:
    Add To Path Area 
    Adds the new area to overlapping path areas.

    Subtract From Path Area 
    Removes the new area from the overlapping path area.

    Intersect Path Areas 
    Restricts the path to the intersection of the new area and the existing area.

    Exclude Overlapping Path Areas 
    Excludes the overlap area in the consolidated path.
    While drawing with a shape tool, hold down Shift to temporarily select the Add To Path Area option; hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) to temporarily select the Subtract From Path Area option.