
Define a data set

A data set is a collection of variables and associated data. You define a data set for each version of the graphic that you want to generate.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Image > Variables > Data Sets.

    • If the Variables dialog box is open, choose Data Sets from the pop‑up menu at the top of the dialog box, or click Next.

    Note: You must define at least one variable before you can edit the default data set.
  2. Click the New Data Set button .
  3. Select a variable from the Name pop‑up menu or the list at the bottom of the dialog box.
  4. Edit the variable data:
    • For Visibility variables , select Visible to show the layer’s content or Invisible to hide the layer’s content.

    • For Pixel Replacement variables , click Select File and select a replacement image file. Click Do Not Replace before the data set is applied to leave the layer in its current state.

      Note: Do Not Replace does not reset the file to its original state if another replacement has been applied previously.
    • For Text Replacement variables , enter a text string in the Value text box.

  5. Define additional data sets for each version of the graphic you want to generate.

You can edit, rename, or delete the data set later by first choosing it from the Data Set pop‑up menu and editing its options. Use the arrow icons to move between data sets. Click the Delete icon to delete a data set.