
Choose a mojikumi set

Mojikumi specifies Japanese text composition for spacing of Japanese characters, roman characters, punctuation, special characters, line start, line end, and numbers. Photoshop includes several predefined mojikumi sets based on the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X 4051‑1995.

 In the Paragraph palette, choose an option from the Mojikumi pop‑up menu:
Turns off the use of mojikumi

Mojikumi Set 1
Uses half‑width spacing for punctuation

Mojikumi Set 2
Uses full‑width spacing for most characters except the last character in the line
Mojikumi Set 1, and Mojikumi Set 2

Mojikumi Set 3
Uses full‑width spacing for most characters and the last character in the line

Mojikumi Set 4
Uses full‑width spacing for all characters
Mojikumi Set 3, and Mojikumi Set 4