To resize the bounding box, position the
pointer over a handle—the pointer turns into a double arrow —and
drag. Shift-drag to maintain the proportions of the bounding box.
To rotate the bounding box, position the pointer
outside the bounding border—the pointer turns into a curved, two‑sided
arrow —and
drag. Shift-drag to constrain the rotation to 15° increments. To change
the center of rotation, Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag
(Mac OS) the center point to a new location. The center
point can be outside the bounding box.
To skew the bounding box, hold down Ctrl
(Windows) or Command (Mac OS) and drag one of the middle
handles. The pointer turns into an arrowhead .
To scale the type as you resize the bounding box, Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) a corner handle.
To resize the bounding box from the center point, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) a corner handle.