
Import images from a digital camera using WIA (Windows only)

Certain digital cameras import images using Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) support. When you use WIA, Photoshop works with Windows and your digital camera or scanner software to import images directly into Photoshop.

  1. Choose File > Import > WIA Support.
  2. Choose a destination in which to save your image files on your computer.
  3. Make sure that Open Acquired Images in Photoshop is selected. If you are importing a large number of images, or if you want to edit the images later, deselect Open Acquired Images.
  4. To save the imported images directly into a folder whose name is the current date, select Unique Subfolder.
  5. Click Start.
  6. Select the digital camera from which to import images.
    Note: If the name of your camera does not appear in the submenu, verify that the software and drivers were properly installed and that the camera is connected.
  7. Choose the image or images you want to import:
    • Click the image from the list of thumbnails to import the image.

    • Hold down Shift and click multiple images to import them at the same time.

    • Click Select All to import all available images.

  8. Click Get Picture to import the image.