Filters in the Other submenu let you create
your own filters, use filters to modify masks, offset a selection
within an image, and make quick color adjustments.
- Custom
you design your own filter effect. With the Custom filter, you can change
the brightness values of each pixel in the image according to a predefined
mathematical operation known as convolution. Each pixel
is reassigned a value based on the values of surrounding pixels.
This operation is similar to the Add and Subtract calculations for
You can save the custom filters you create and
use them with other Photoshop images. See Create a Custom filter.
- High Pass
edge details in the specified radius where sharp color transitions
occur and suppresses the rest of the image. (A radius of
0.1 pixel keeps only edge pixels.) The filter removes low-frequency
detail from an image and has an effect opposite to that of the Gaussian
Blur filter.
It is helpful to apply the High Pass filter
to a continuous-tone image before using the Threshold command or
converting the image to Bitmap mode. The filter is useful for extracting
line art and large black-and-white areas from scanned images.
- Maximum and Minimum
useful for modifying masks. The Maximum filter has the effect of
applying a choke—spreading out white areas and choking
in black areas. The Minimum filter has the effect of applying a spread—spreading out
black areas and shrinking white areas. Like the Median filter, the
Maximum and Minimum filters look at individual pixels in a selection.
Within a specified radius, the Maximum and Minimum filters replace
the current pixel’s brightness value with the highest or lowest
brightness value of the surrounding pixels.
- Offset
Moves a selection
a specified horizontal or vertical amount, leaving an empty space
at the selection’s original location. You can fill the empty area
with the current background color, with another part of the image,
or with your choice of fill if the selection is near the edge of
an image.