
Noise filters

The Noise filters add or remove noise, or pixels with randomly distributed color levels. This helps to blend a selection into the surrounding pixels. Noise filters can create unusual textures or remove problem areas, such as dust and scratches.

Add Noise
Applies random pixels to an image, simulating the effect of shooting pictures on high-speed film. You can also use the Add Noise filter to reduce banding in feathered selections or graduated fills or to give a more realistic look to heavily retouched areas. Options for noise distribution include Uniform and Gaussian. Uniform distributes color values of noise using random numbers between 0 and plus or minus the specified value, creating a subtle effect. Gaussian distributes color values of noise along a bell-shaped curve, creating a speckled effect. The Monochromatic option applies the filter to only the tonal elements in the image without changing the colors.

Detects the edges in an image (areas where significant color changes occur) and blurs all of the selection except those edges. This blurring removes noise while preserving detail.

Dust & Scratches
Reduces noise by changing dissimilar pixels. To achieve a balance between sharpening the image and hiding defects, try various combinations of Radius and Threshold settings. Or apply the filter to selected areas in the image. See also Apply the Dust And Scratches filter.

Reduces noise in an image by blending the brightness of pixels within a selection. The filter searches the radius of a pixel selection for pixels of similar brightness, discarding pixels that differ too much from adjacent pixels, and replaces the center pixel with the median brightness value of the searched pixels. This filter is useful for eliminating or reducing the effect of motion on an image.

Reduce Noise
Reduces noise while preserving edges based on user settings affecting the overall image or individual channels. See Reduce image noise and JPEG artifacts.