Version Cue Servers store Version Cue projects and their related assets. When you perform a default installation of Creative Suite 3 Design, Web, or Master Collection editions, Version Cue installs the Version Cue Server on your computer, but does not turn it on. When the Version Cue Server is installed on your computer, the server is available only if your computer is turned on and networked to the other users in your group. This scenario is adequate for personal use or for file sharing between individuals.
Alternatively, you can install the Version Cue Server on a dedicated computer accessible to others on your network, so that Version Cue-managed assets are always available to a workgroup.
For a video on using Version Cue in a workgroup, see
The Version Cue Server is installed in the Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Adobe Version Cue CS3/Server folder (Windows) or in the Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Version Cue CS3/Server folder (Mac OS). You cannot change this location.
To install the Version Cue Server on a dedicated computer, run the Creative Suite 3 Design, Web, or Master Collection edition installer on the dedicated computer, following the on‑screen prompts to install only the Version Cue Server.