
Turn on and configure the Version Cue Server

To use a Version Cue Server, you’ll need to turn it on and configure initial settings. Once you’ve configured initial settings, you can configure additional Version Cue Server settings in the Version Cue preferences and specify advanced server settings (such as enabling SSL) in Version Cue Server Administration.

For a video on setting up the Version Cue server, see

  1. Do either of the following:
    • Click Start My Server in the Adobe dialog box or in Adobe Bridge.

    • Open the Control Panel and double-click Adobe Version Cue CS3 (Windows) or click Adobe Version Cue CS3 in System Preferences (Mac OS), and then click Start.

    Version Cue starts Version Cue Server Administration and displays the Initial Configuration window.

  2. In the Initial Configuration window, specify a system administrator password in the Password text box.
    Note: Be sure to note the password you specify. If you forget the system administrator password, you’ll need to reinstall the Version Cue Server.
  3. Specify a name for the server in the Server Name text box.
  4. Choose an option from the Server Visibility menu:
    • To prevent other users in your network from seeing the server, choose Private. Private Version Cue Servers can be accessed only from your local computer.

    • To make the server visible to other users in your network, choose Visible To Others. (You must configure the server to be visible to grant others access to projects on the server.)

    Note: If Version Cue is installed on a Windows computer that uses a firewall and you want to share the server with others, make sure that TCP ports 3703 and 5353 are left open. If you've enabled SSL for the Version Cue Server, also leave port 3704 open. If Version Cue CS2 is installed on the same computer, also leave port 50900 open (and 50901 if you’ve enabled SSL). For instructions, see Windows Help.
  5. Choose an option from the User Accounts menu:
    • To enable users to access the server without an existing user account, choose Automatic User Creation. If you select this option, Version Cue creates a new user account without a password when a new user accesses the server.

      If you enable automatic user account creation and then subsequently enable LDAP support, LDAP users are automatically imported when they access the server with their LDAP account name. Users imported in this fashion are added to the Everyone group, given a user access level of None, and are not able to log into Version Cue Server Administration. Use this technique to automatically assign LDAP users default access rights to projects on a Version Cue server without having to explicitly import users.
    • To specify that only named users, defined in Version Cue Server Administration, can access the server, choose Manual User Creation.

  6. Click Save & Continue to log in to Version Cue Server Administration and specify advanced server settings.