You can create new metadata templates in Bridge by using the Create Metadata Template command or by modifying the metadata in the File Info dialog box and saving it as a template.
You can save metadata in a template to use as a starting point for populating metadata in InDesign documents and other documents created with XMP‑enabled software. Templates you create are stored in a shared location that all XMP‑enabled software can access.
You can also save metadata in an XMP file to share with other users or to apply to other files. Unlike metadata templates, the XMP files do not appear in the File Information menu.
To delete an existing metadata template, choose Delete Metadata Template. Choose the template from the menu in the dialog box and click Delete.
To open the folder containing metadata templates, choose Show Templates.
Append Metadata, followed by the name of the template. This command applies the template metadata only where no metadata value or property currently exists in the file. (Append isn’t available if you’ve selected multiple files.)
Replace Metadata, followed by the name of the template. This command completely replaces any existing metadata in the file with the metadata in the template.