
Add metadata using the File Info dialog box

The File Info dialog box displays camera data, other file properties, an edit history, copyright and authorship information (if any), and custom metadata panels (if the application has installed them). You can add metadata directly from the File Info dialog box. If you select multiple files, the dialog box shows where different values exist for a text field. Any information you add to a field is applied to all selected files.

Note: You can also view metadata in the Metadata panel, in certain views in the Content panel, and by placing the pointer over the thumbnail in the Content panel.
  1. Select one or more files.
  2. Choose File > File Info.
  3. Select any of the following from the list on the left side of the dialog box:
    Lets you enter document information about the file, such as document title, author, description, and keywords that can be used to search for the document. You can also choose text from the menu to the right of the text fields. To specify copyright information, select Copyrighted from the Copyright Status pop‑up menu. Then enter the copyright notice string and the URL of the person or company holding the copyright.

    Audio Data 1
    Lets you enter information about the audio file, including the title, artist, and album.

    Audio Data 2
    Lists information about the audio file, including bit rate, duration, and loop settings.

    Lets you enter information based on Associated Press categories. You can also choose text from the menu to the right of the text fields. The Categories option appears only if Adobe Photoshop is installed.

    Lists patient, study, series, and equipment information for DICOM images. The DICOM option appears only if Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended is installed.

    Displays Adobe Photoshop history log information for images saved with Photoshop. The History option appears only if Adobe Photoshop is installed.

    Camera Data 1
    Displays read‑only information about the camera and settings used to take the photo, such as make, model, shutter speed, and f‑stop.

    Camera Data 2
    Lists read‑only file information about the photo, including pixel dimensions and resolution.

    IPTC Content
    Describes the visual content of the image.

    IPTC Contact
    Lists the photographer’s contact information.

    IPTC Image
    Lists descriptive information for the image.

    IPTC Status
    Lists workflow and copyright information.

    Adobe Stock Photos
    Lists read‑only information about images obtained from Adobe Stock Photos.

    Video Data 1
    Lists information about the video file, including video frame width and height, and lets you enter information about the video file, including tape name and scene name.

    Video Data 2
    Lists information about the video, including alternate tape name and timecode values.

    Lets you enter file information that is useful for news outlets, including when and where the file was created, transmission information, special instructions for handling the file, and headline information. You can also choose text from the menu to the right of the text fields.

    Displays fields and structures for storing metadata using namespaces and properties, such as file format and XMP, Exif, and PDF properties. You can do any of the following with the information listed:
    • Click Save to export the metadata to a text file (with the .xmp filename extension).

    • Click Replace to replace the metadata in the existing files with metadata saved in an XMP file. Values in existing properties are replaced with the new values.

    • Click Append to add the metadata in the existing files to metadata saved in an XMP file. Values in existing properties are not replaced, and new values are appended or inserted where appropriate. (Append isn’t available if you’ve selected multiple files.)

    • Click Delete to remove the currently selected Advanced property. You can Shift-click to select multiple properties.

      Note: Hold down the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS) to change these commands to Replace All, Append All, and Delete All (Append All isn’t available if you’ve selected multiple files). These commands then affect all information in the file; that is, Exif information that is not modifiable by the user, such as the f‑stop and the Photoshop file ID information, as well as user-modifiable information, such as document title and keywords. Holding down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) also displays the Reset button to restore the previous settings.

  4. Type the information you want to add in any displayed field.
  5. Click OK to apply the changes.