
Select an individual device

When you select a device in the Available Devices panel or Device Sets panel, Adobe Device Central displays detailed information about the device in the Device Profiles panel. Adobe Device Central also determines which sizes to propose for document creation on the New Document tab. After sending a file for testing from an application like Flash or Adobe Photoshop (or opening a file in a mobile format from Device Central), you can double-click on a device in the Available Devices panel or Device Sets panel to have Adobe Device Central load the device information on the Emulator tab and start content playback.
Note: The supported mobile formats are: SWF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WBM, MOV, 3GP, 3G2, M4V, MP4, MPG, MPEG, AVI, HTM, HTML, XHTML, CHTML, URL, and WEBLOC.

You can navigate between applications and Adobe Device Central without losing your device selection. Adobe Device Central preselects the device of the most recently created file when you export your file for testing. In Flash, if you bypass document creation in Adobe Device Central and send a document for testing, Adobe Device Central uses stand-alone Flash Player as the default content type and uses the device that was selected in the last emulation session.