
Search for a specific device

The Adobe Device Central Search feature lets you quickly search for a particular device in the Available Devices panel. You can search by device name or several other criteria. You can also group devices by manufacturer name or screen size, or have Adobe Device Central display only those devices that support a specific content type.

The search feature is dynamic, so as you enter search criteria, the list of matching devices automatically updates. Each time you add more criteria, the search becomes more specialized.

  1. In the Available Devices panel, click the Search Devices button .
  2. In the Search For text field, enter a manufacturer or model number. If you don’t want to search by manufacturer or model, leave this field blank.
    Use search criteria to find a specific device or set of devices

  3. To narrow your search, click the plus sign (+) to add search criteria. Click the plus sign again to add additional criteria. Each time you add criteria, it is an “and” operation, so your search becomes more and more specific. (Click the minus sign (‑) to remove criteria.)
    Note: The search criteria you define remain until you perform a new search; click the Search Devices button at any time to see what criteria created the current list of devices.
  4. To close the Search box, click anywhere outside of the Search box, or click the Close button  in the upper-right corner of the Search box.