
Repeat steps

Use the History panel to repeat the last step you performed, repeat a series of adjacent steps, or repeat a series of nonadjacent steps. Replay the steps directly from the History panel.

Repeat one step

 Do one of the following:
  • Select Edit > Redo.

  • In the History panel, select a step and click the Replay button. The step is replayed and a copy of it appears in the History panel.

Repeat a series of steps

  1. Select steps in the History panel:
    • To select adjacent steps, drag from one step to another (don’t drag the slider; just drag from the text label of one step to the text label of another step), or select the first step, and then Shift-click the last step.

    • To select nonadjacent steps, select a step, and then Control‑click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) to select or deselect other steps.

      The steps played are the selected (highlighted) steps, not necessarily the step the slider currently points to.

      Note: Although you can select a series of steps that includes a black line indicating a step that can’t be recorded, that step is skipped when you replay the steps.
  2. Click Replay.

    The steps are replayed in order, and a new step, Replay Steps, appears in the History panel.

Make or extend a selection

 Hold down the Shift key while pressing an arrow key.
If a black mouse-movement indicator line appears while you’re performing a task you want to repeat later, you can undo back to before that step and try another approach, perhaps using the arrow keys.