
Use the History panel

The History panel (Window > History) shows a list of the steps you’ve performed in the active document since you created or opened that document (but not steps you’ve performed in other frames, in other Document windows, or in the Site panel). Use the History panel to undo multiple steps at once and to automate tasks.

Slider (thumb)


Replay button

Copy Steps button

Save As Command button

The slider, or thumb, in the History panel initially points to the last step that you performed.

Note: You can’t rearrange the order of steps in the History panel. Don’t think of the History panel as an arbitrary collection of commands; think of it as a way to view the steps you’ve performed, in the order in which you performed them.

Undo the last step

 Do one of the following:
  • Select Edit > Undo.

  • Drag the History panel slider up one step in the list.

    Note: To scroll automatically to a particular step, you must click to the left of the step; clicking the step itself selects the step. Selecting a step is different from going back to that step in your undo history.

Undo multiple steps at once

 Drag the slider to point to any step, or click to the left of a step along the path of the slider.

The slider scrolls automatically to that step, undoing steps as it scrolls.

Note: As with undoing a single step, if you undo a series of steps and then do something new in the document, you can no longer redo the undone steps; they disappear from the History panel.

Set the number of steps that the History panel retains and shows

The default number of steps is sufficient for most users’ needs. The higher the number, the more memory the History panel requires, which can affect performance and slow your computer significantly.

  1. Select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Preferences (Macintosh).
  2. Select General from the Category list on the left.
  3. Enter a number for Maximum Number Of History Steps.

    When the History panel reaches this maximum number of steps, the earliest steps are discarded.

Erase the history list for the current document:

 In the History panel’s context menu, select Clear History.

This command also clears all undo information for the current document; after choosing Clear History, you can’t undo the steps that are cleared. Clear History does not undo steps; it merely removes the record of those steps from memory.