
About defining a Dreamweaver site

After configuring your system to develop web applications, define a Dreamweaver site to manage your files.

Before you start, make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • You have access to a web server. The web server can be running on your local computer, on a remote computer such as a development server, or on a server maintained by a web hosting company.

  • An application server is installed and running on the system running your web server.

  • You created a root folder for your web application on the system running your web server.

Defining a Dreamweaver site for your web application consists of three steps:

1. Define a local folder

The local folder is the folder you use to store working copies of site files on your hard disk. You can define a local folder for each new web application you create. Defining a local folder also gives you the ability to manage your files and to transfer files to and from your web server easily.

2. Define a remote folder

Define a folder located on the computer running your web server as a Dreamweaver remote folder. The remote folder is the folder you created for your web application on the web server.

3. Define a testing folder

Dreamweaver uses this folder to generate and display dynamic content and connect to databases while you work. The testing server can be your local computer, a development server, a staging server, or a production server. As long as it can process the kind of dynamic pages you plan to develop, the choice doesn’t matter.

After the Dreamweaver site is defined, you can start building your web application.