
Update links in a SWF file

You can use Dreamweaver to update a URL link in a Flash (SWF) file, and then update the change in the Flash authoring document (FLA) file.

  1. Set up a home page for the site, if you haven’t already done so.

    To build a site map, you need to set up a home page. To update a link in a SWF file, you need to display dependent files in Map view. By default, the site map does not show dependent files, so you must display them.

  2. Select Map View from the View pop-up menu in the Files panel.
  3. To show dependent files, select View from the Options menu at the top right corner of the Files panel; then select Site Map Options > Show Dependent Files.
  4. In the site map, change the link beneath the SWF file by doing one of the following:
    • To change the link in the selected SWF, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the link, select Change Link and type the new URL path in the dialog box.

    • To update all instances of the link, select Site > Change Link Sitewide. In the Change All Links To text box, browse to the link you are changing or type its path. In the Into Links To text box, browse to the new URL or type its path.

  5. Click OK.

    Any links updated by Dreamweaver in the SWF file are conveyed to the FLA source document when you start Flash to edit. Dreamweaver automatically logs any link changes to the SWF file in the Design Notes. When Flash passes the changes to the FLA file, it removes them from the Design Notes.