
Edit CFCs in Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver provides a streamlined way of editing the code of the ColdFusion components defined for your site. For example, you can add, change, or delete any component function without leaving Dreamweaver.

To use this feature, your development environment must be set up as follows:

  • ColdFusion must be running locally.

  • In the advanced Site Definition dialog box in Dreamweaver, the Access type specified in the Testing Server category must be Local/Network.

  • In the advanced Site Definition dialog box, the path of your local root folder must be the same as the path of the testing server folder (for example, c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cf_projects\myNewApp\). You can examine and change these paths by selecting Site > Edit Sites.

  • The component must be stored in the local site folder or any of its subfolders on your hard disk.

Open any ColdFusion page in Dreamweaver and display the components in the Components panel. To display the components, open the Components panel (Window > Components), select CF Components from the panel’s pop‑up menu, and click the Refresh button on the panel.

Because ColdFusion is running locally, Dreamweaver displays component packages on your hard disk.

Use the following procedure to edit a component.

  1. Open any ColdFusion page in Dreamweaver and display the components in the Components panel (Window > Components).
  2. Select CF Components from the panel’s pop‑up menu, and click the Refresh button on the panel.

    Because ColdFusion is running locally, Dreamweaver displays component packages on your hard disk.

    Note: To edit the CFC recordset visually, double-click it in the Bindings panel.
  3. To edit a component file generally, open the package and double-click the component name in the tree view.

    The component’s file opens in Code view.

  4. To edit a specific function, argument, or property, double-click the item in the tree view.
  5. Make your changes by hand in Code view.
  6. Save the file (File > Save).
  7. To see any new function in the Components panel, refresh the view by clicking the Refresh button on the panel toolbar.