Dreamweaver provides a way to visually examine the ColdFusion components (CFCs) located in your site folder or on the server as a whole. Dreamweaver reads the CFC files and displays information about them in an easy-to-navigate tree view in the Components panel.
Dreamweaver looks for the components on your testing server (see Connecting to the database in Dreamweaver). If you create CFCs or make changes to existing CFCs, make sure to upload the CFC files to the testing server so they are accurately reflected in the Components panel.
To view components located on another server, change the testing server settings.
List all of the ColdFusion components defined on the server.
If you’re running ColdFusion MX 7 or later, filter the list to show only the CFCs located in your site folder.
Explore the functions and arguments of each component.
Inspect the properties of functions that serve as web services.
To view CFCs in Dreamweaver, follow these steps: