Layout mode allows you to draw cells and tables, including tables nested in other tables. The snapping grid helps you to align cells.
When you draw a layout cell that isn’t inside a layout table, Dreamweaver automatically creates a layout table as a container for the cell. A layout cell cannot exist outside of a layout table.
When Dreamweaver automatically creates a layout table, the table initially appears to fill the entire Design view, even if you change the size of your Document window. This full-window default layout table allows you to draw layout cells anywhere in Design view. You can set the table to a specific size by clicking the table border, then dragging the table’s resize handles.
When you move the pointer over a layout cell, Dreamweaver highlights it. You can enable or disable highlighting or change the highlight color in preferences.
You can also create a nested table by drawing a layout table inside another layout table. The cells inside a nested table are isolated from changes made to the outer table; for example, when you change the size of a row or column in the outer table, the cells in the inner table don’t change size.
You can insert multiple levels of nested tables. A nested layout table cannot be larger than the table that contains it.
To change the highlighting color, click the Mouse-Over color box, then select a highlight color using the color picker (or enter the hexadecimal value for the highlight color in the text box).
To enable or disable highlighting, select or deselect the Show option for Mouse-Over.