
Switch from Standard to Layout mode

Before you can draw layout tables or layout cells, you must switch from Standard mode into Layout mode. When you create tables for layout in Layout mode, but it’s a good idea to switch back to Standard mode before you add content to or edit your tables.

Note: If you create a table in Standard mode, then switch into Layout mode, the resulting layout table might contain empty layout cells. You might need to delete these empty layout cells before you can create new layout cells or move layout cells around.

Switch to Layout mode:

  1. If you are working in Code view, change to Design view by selecting View > Design, or View > Code And Design.
    Note: You cannot switch to Layout mode in Code view.
  2. Select View > Table Mode > Layout Mode.

    A bar labeled Layout Mode appears across the top of the Document window. If there are tables on your page, they appear as layout tables.

Switch out of Layout mode:

 Do one of the following:
  • Click Exit in the bar labeled Layout Mode at the top of the Document window

  • Select View > Table Mode > Standard Mode.

  • In the Layout category of the Insert bar, click the Standard Mode button.

Dreamweaver returns to Standard mode.