
Enhanced workplace efficiency

New document profiles

Speed startup when you open a new document by selecting a pre‑built New Document Profile. These profiles are tailored for different kinds of projects—mobile, print, web, and video, for example. You can save custom profiles with startup parameters such as artboard dimensions, swatches, brushes, styles, and color spaces. (See About new document profiles.)

Custom workspaces

Customize your workspace with collapsible panels and new icon views. You can save your workspace as a preset and in so doing optimize your workspace for given tasks. (See Customize the workspace.)

Operating performance

Work more fluidly and efficiently without waiting for Illustrator to catch up with your hands and your thoughts. The underlying architecture of Illustrator has been improved. You’ll notice increased scroll and zoom times, snappier refresh rates, and better responsiveness.

Access libraries from panels

Easily access libraries of pre‑built brushes, thematic swatches, and graphic styles. Now you can quickly apply just the effect you want by pulling down your library list with an icon located in the bottom bar of the tool panels. (See, for example, Brushes panel overview.)