
Format columns, bars, and lines

For column, stacked column, bar, and stacked bar graphs, you can adjust the amount of space between each column or bar in the graph. You can also adjust the amount of space between the categories, or clusters, of data in the graph. For line, scatter, and radar graphs, you can adjust the appearance of lines and data points.

  1. Select the graph with the Selection tool.
  2. Choose Object > Graph > Type, or double-click the graph tool in the Tools panel.
  3. To adjust the space between columns and bars in a column, stacked column, bar, or stacked bar graph, enter a value between 1% and 1000% in the Column Width, Bar Width, or Cluster Width text box.

    A value greater than 100% causes the columns, bars, or clusters to overlap one another. A value less than 100% leaves space between the columns, bars, or clusters. A value of 100% moves the columns, bars, or clusters flush against each other.

  4. To adjust lines and data points in line, scatter, and radar graphs, set the Mark Data Points, Connect Data Points, Edge‑to‑Edge Lines, and Draw Filled Lines options.
  5. To change how columns, bars, and lines overlap, set the First Row In Front and First Column In Front options.
    Note: Always select First Column In Front for area graphs; if you do not, some areas may not appear.