
Select slices

Use the Slice Select tool  to select a slice in the illustration window or the Save For Web & Devices dialog box.

  • To select a slice, click it.
  • To select multiple slices, Shift-click. (In the Save For Web & Devices dialog box, you can also Shift-drag.)
  • To select an underlying slice when working with overlapping slices, click the visible section of it.

    In addition, you can select slices in the illustration window by doing one of the following:

  • To select a slice that was created using the Object > Slice > Make command, select the corresponding artwork on the artboard. If the slice is tied to a group or layer, select the target icon adjacent to the group or layer in the Layers panel.
  • To select a slice that was created using the Slice tool, the Create From Selection command, or the Create From Guides command, target the slice in the Layers panel.
  • Click on the slice path with the Selection tool .
  • To select a slice path segment or slice anchor point, click on either item with the Direct Selection tool.
    Note: You cannot select auto slices. These slices are dimmed.